Monday, February 20, 2012

Experiments... Some success and some failures.

So today I had the day off and decided to use it experimenting. My first experiment was with mayo. For Krista and I to be able to realistically follow this diet while at work we need to be able make cold meals that we can take with us. Now most of those contain mayo and most mayo contains soy. That brings us to Paleo Mayo. The first recipe I tried was from Paleo Diet Lifestyle. This recipe used just the egg yolk and most noticeably coconut oil. Everything turned out great when I made it except for one thing. It took me about 10 mins of whisking and only produced 3/4 of a cup. The mayo tasted great but the main problem occurred about an hour later. If you use coconut oil you understand what probably happened, it solidified. So then that lead me to search for a better recipe and boy did I find it. Paleo Mayo. Sarah has a great recipe that is extremely simple and makes just over 2 cups for use.
While the lighting does it not favor the flavor is great. I added two sprigs of dill and some black pepper and sea salt to taste. This lead to the main course which is a fantastic Chicken Waldorf Salad.
I really need to work on my camera work.
This is a great meal for lunches on the go and is extremely easy to make. I substituted almonds for the walnuts only cause I didn't have any walnuts and it tastes great. In this batch I made two medium size so I will probably double the recipe next time since the intent was to make a few lunches for the week. All in all good day.

1 comment:

  1. Be sure to check out "Make It Paleo". You can order it on and it's not that expensive. It's a GREAT cookbook with lots of recipes for on-the-go. I think you'll be pleased.
